


/api/mission/add route

POST /api/mission/add
Publishes a mission. Do a check before publishing the mission.
Body Parameters:
Name Type Description
form formData an html form containing the mission pbo file to be uploaded
Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
Accept String application/json
Content-Type String multipart/form-data
Name Type Description
Success JSON full mission json
Failed JSON check result
Error JSON error message from server
Response Code:
Type Description
201 Success: the mission is published
202 Failed: the check reported an error
400 Error: bad request (file size exceeded, incomplete form, etc.)

Typical POST request to publish a mission

POST /api/mission/add HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryWmunjnPoLceaU7KM

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="CPC-CO[25]-WelcomeToTheJungle-V2.pja305.pbo"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
//here is the file content

/api/mission/check route

POST /api/mission/check
Checks a mission pbo before it can be published
Body Parameters:
Name Type Description
form formData an html form containing the mission pbo file to be checked
Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
Accept String application/json
Content-Type String multipart/form-data
Name Type Description
Success JSON full mission json
Failed JSON result of the check
Error JSON error message from server
Response Code:
Type Description
200 Success: the mission is valid, ready to publish
202 Failed: the check reported an error
400 Error: bad request (file size exceeded, incomplete forme, etc.)
Same as /api/mission/add route. Change the api endpoint to /api/mission/check

/api/mission/list route

GET /api/mission/list
Returns all published missions as JSON object.
Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
Content-Type String any value accepted in Content-type field (text/html for example)
Name Type Description
Success JSON list of all published missions
Error JSON error message from server
Response Code:
Type Description
200 Success: list of missions successfully returned
400 Error: bad request

Typical GET request to obtain the list of published missions

GET /api/mission/list HTTP/1.1
content-type: text/html


/api/mission/show route

GET /api/mission/show/:missionPbo
Returns all information about a published mission as a JSON object
Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
Accept String application/json
Route Parameters:
Name Type Description
missionPbo String exact name of mission pbo file
Name Type Description
Success JSON information about mission
Failed JSON result of the check
Error JSON error message from server
Response Code:
Type Description
200 Success: information about mission returned
400 Error: bad request
404 Error: non-existent pbo in database of published missions

Typical GET request to obtain information about a published mission

GET /api/mission/show/exact-name-of-pbo-file-of-publisehd-mission.pbo HTTP/1.1
content-type: text/html


/api/mission/update route

PUT /api/mission/update/
Allows update on a very limited set of information about mission : missionIsPlayable and isMissionArchived
Header Parameters:
Name Type Description
Accept String application/json
Route Parameters:
Name Type Description
missionPbo String exact name of mission pbo file
Name Type Description
Success JSON MissionPbo : new value for updateKey key is updateVal
Failed JSON error message
Error JSON error message
Response Code:
Type Description
200 Success: information about mission returned
202 Fail: update failed
400 Error: bad request
404 Error: pbo not found in database

Typical PUT request to obtain information about a published mission

PUT /api/mission/update/exact-name-of-puvblished-pbo-file/?field-to-be-updated=new-value HTTP/1.1
content-type: text/html
